
Your Privacy

We are committed to the protection of your privacy. Our aim is to provide an online environment which will ensure the information you provide to us will be handled in a secure, efficient and confidential manner. By accessing our site you accept the terms and conditions of its use, including consent to the collection and use of your personal information and our right to make amendments to this statement from time to time. We encourage you to regularly review this statement to inform yourself of any amendments.

What information do we collect and store?

As a visitor to our site you may be asked to submit personal details about yourself by email or online form. The information you submit or send electronically is received by our network and stored in our database. In sending us the email or completing an online form, you accept that you have granted us consent to use any personal information within our organisation for the purposes we prescribe including responding to your queries, re-publishing information on our site, and compiling our databases and research for marketing purposes.

How do we use the information we collect from you?

The information we collect is used to provide our services to you. We may pass on your de-personalised information in statistical or demographic form to third parties. We do not submit personal information to third parties however if we intend to, we will seek your consent prior to submitting personal information where practicable, unless required by law.

Our site uses information tracking software such as Cookies to secure sessions during your visit. We may use the information you provide to send you newsletters and information outlining services or events. Our emails include instructions on how to unsubscribe at your convenience.

Security, quality and accuracy of information

We endeavour to keep your personal information up to date and accurate, however you must let us know if there are any details which you may have accidentally recorded incorrectly in an email or online form. We will endeavour to correct your personal information within three (3) business days of receiving a written request from you.

Whilst we will take all due care in protecting the security, confidentiality and privacy of the information submitted by you, we cannot guarantee that our systems will be completely free from third party interception or damage to information transmitted by email which is caused by viruses.

Cross-Border data transfer

As part of your contract with us, we may need to transfer some of your personal information to one of our international affiliates. We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the recipient jurisdiction has in place a similar regime which recognises your right to privacy. All our international affiliates have privacy statements which comply with the legal requirements of their jurisdiction.

Links to other sites

We may from time to time provide links to other sites of interest, however we make no warranties or representations as to the quality, currency and accuracy of information on any other site which we provide a link to. We encourage you however to view the terms and conditions of use, privacy policies and security statements on those sites.

Your right to access and amend information about you

If you have submitted details about yourself to us, you are entitled to access the information which is subsequently handled by us within our organisation. There are exceptional circumstances where access to your personal information may be refused by us such as where access would be unlawful. We will advise you of such circumstances if they arise.

If you would like access your personal information, please contact us outlining the documents or information you require. We will endeavour to respond to your query within three (3) business days of receiving a written request. We encourage you to contact us to update any of your details or to correct any inaccuracies which may have been inadvertently recorded by us.


  1. We manage personal information appropriately with the defined management framework and responsibilities.
  2. We specify the purpose of use of personal information and handle the information in a legitimate and fair manner. In addition, we obtain, use and provide personal information only within the scope of the purpose and take necessary measures to prevent the information to be used for purposes other than the original intent.
  3. We take the appropriate and best preventive and corrective measures to protect personal information from compromise, loss and damage.
  4. We appoint partners that meet personal information protection standard based on our selection criteria when we consign the handling of personal information to our partner companies.
  5. We respond to requests to disclose the personal information, complaint or consultation from the principal without delay.
  6. We strictly observe laws and regulations relevant to protection of personal information and national policy, other laws and guidelines to implement the Personal Information Protection Management System.
  7. We will continuously revise and improve the Privacy Policy and the Personal Information Protection Management System to keep pace with the changes in the society and circumstances.


スーパードライブ株式会社は、戦略策定に役立つ新しい領域創出と IT技術を用いて、当社のお客様の効率性と敏捷性を高める支援、販売促進、広告マーケティング活動のニーズに継続的に応え、リード生成と収益拡大マーケティングを専門とするクリエイティブ・エージェンシーを目指します。


  1. 管理責任者および管理体制を明確にし、個人情報を適正に管理します。
  2. 個人情報の取扱いは、利用目的を明確に定め、適法かつ公正な手段にて行います。また、個人情報は、利用目的の範囲内でのみ取得、利用及び提供し、目的外利用を行わないための措置を講じます。
  3. 個人情報を保護するため、当該情報の漏えい、滅失、又は毀損を防止及び是正する適切かつ最善の措置を講じます。
  4. 個人情報の処理を当社の協力会社に委託する場合は、選定基準に則り、十分な個人情報の保護基準を満たしている協力会社を選定します。
  5. 本人から個人情報の開示等の要請及び苦情や相談があった場合には、遅滞なく対応いたします。
  6. 個人情報保護マネジメント・システムを実行するにあたって、個人情報に関する法令、国が定める指針その他の規範およびガイドライン等を遵守いたします。
  7. 定期的に個人情報の取扱いと個人情報保護マネジメント・システムを、社会情勢、環境等の変化を考慮しながら、継続的な見直しと改善を行います。




1. 法令等の順守

2. 情報の厳格な管理

3. 達成水準の維持と改善

4. 環境変化への対応
私たちは、当社の事業領域や取扱う情報資産、また ICT(情報通信技術)環境の変化に柔軟に対応し、情報セキュリティ管理のルールや仕組みを見直していきます。